So you want to do any of the following?
- .log into your friends mobile
- read his messages
- change his phone settings- read his messages
- change profile
- play his ringtone even if phone is on silent
- play his songs(in his phone)
- restart the phone
- switch off the phone
- restore factory settings
- change ringing volume
- call from his phone

Ok so how the hell to do this Ok for starters this is no hack. It uses bluetooth's existing functionality to access the features being talked about.
- The other phone must be bluetooth enabled(most are these days)
- The other phone must have bluetooth on(Surprisingly a lot of people always have it on, in spite of the fact that you should never have it on, it eats you battery. How many people, a BBC panaroma program some time back used this to find out that more than 60% of people have left bluetooth on.
- Unless the other person configured it that way, you do require permission to pair once. So you need to be paired with the other phone once to use this hack next time without anyone's knowing. (Thats why its hack your friends mobile, your friend might have paired you already .
- On series 60, install directly
- If you have a cellphone like series 40 (Nokia 6230) with bluetooth and Java 2 support make .jad file with jad generator (included on package).
- When connecting devices use a code 0000
- Before starting the application on smartphones do not forget to turn on bluetooth.