In eSnips you can organize your files into folders. Each folder automatically becomes a web page. You can write a post, choose your folder’s design and introduce your folder with a personal video.
You can decide which folder to keep private, which to share with a select group, and which to publish and share with the world.
The eSnips Uploader is the quickest way to upload files, record and publish audio and video, and save web snippets and pages.
You can also Set up a Marketplace account and earn money or you can join the many artists who showcase and sell their work on eSnips.
At eSnips you can also create your own video and voice recordings, create your own content online and upload it immediately to your eSnips account and share it like youtube.
In my opinion eSnips is another free service like youtube and friendster. It is more like a community sharing tool. This website has actually increased the free storage from the 1GB to 5GB. So people, use it wisely.
Related Links: eSnips.com