Here are some of the best tools for English To Hindi Transliteration. By using any of these tools both offline and offline you can quickly do English To Hindi Transliteration.

Online Tools:
1. Google Indic Transliteration --> It lets you type Hindi words phonetically in English script and still have them appear in their correct alphabet in Hindi language.
2. QuillPad --> QuillPad is based on advanced machine learning algorithms and is an improvement on simple phonetic maps and specialized language keyboards, thus enabling millions of Indians to benefit from the Internet.
3. writeKA Scripton --> An intelligent online English to Hindi transliteration tool.
4. Lipikaar --> They are trying to make typing Hindi on web effortless, so that we can see the growth of rich content in Indian languages on the Web.
Offline Tools:
1. Baraha --> Baraha is a transliteration based application which converts 'Indian language text written in English' to their own respective scripts. It is the Best desktop tool for easy English To Hindi Transliteration.
2. writeKA Scripto Editor --> WriteKA Scripto is a transliteration program that uses a file based map to replace character sequences with a new sequence to get the transliterated text output required by a user.
3. Lipikaar FireFox Extension --> Very easy to use firefox addon for quick English to Hindi transliteration.
If you know any good tools beside these, please feel free to post in comments.