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How To Recover Forgotten Password That Exist With 'Remember Me' Option

If you have been using the personal computer with no one else to fiddle with it, you will always use the remember my id and password or relative method so that you dont need to enter your password again and again. But suppose you sometime you need to access you account say your email account when you are not on your computer, and at that time you realise you have forgotten your password, what will you do? Go home and access your account from your computer! Right!?
If you want to recover your password from the saved webpage or say messenger window you can follow these steps:

Install ActMon Password Recovery

Now Run it.

now open the messenger & drab the "key" icon from the ActMon opus password recovery software window on the password field and drop it there.

you will see the password in clear text in the ActMon opus password recovery software window.

There you go!

Next time remember your password!

All the best!

