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Unblock a Website using Google Search Engine

hi there.

We generally notice that if we try to search for the particular web from our company, office, school or public library, we normally realize that mostly all popular or slightly off color or not so graphically designed web sites have been blocked. Web sites that are been usually blocked also include,, our lists of favorite forum sites and also many entertainment or gossip sites that provide blue humor or some kind of offensive comments. If you try to take back your web and once again try to regain full access to the internet, you will have to unblock web sites.

Now the common but important question is how do these websites are blocked by search engines?

In order to explain more about how to unblock web sites, it is very important for you to understand how specific web sites are first become blocked one's.

Blocked web sites are the sites that generally result of special software that is loaded onto your computer that works with your internet browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, in which you can adjust the options to allow or block specific web sites.

To add more on this, when it comes to large computer networks like the ones you might find at your corporate office or school, a firewall software is usually involved and this resource is also used for blocking specific web sites of the organization while choosing.

While it is very easy and simple to implement in order to block web sites, where unblocking web sites can sometimes be a tedious job to achieve it. I guess these are a few tips that will definitely help you in level the playing field, as it will provide you the capability and permission to access almost any blocked web site.

Change Settings on an Individual Computer:

This tip is regarding unblocking a web site which generally works on single computers that are connected directly to the internet. If you are using a computer on a network connected to a firewall software overseen by an administrator, there are chances that this strategy will not be effective.

It's quite obvious if you are using a single computer that has some kind of special blocking software or browser options preset in order to block a particular web site, you are able to change the required setting or you can disable the blocking software. If the browser you are using is blocking your web site, you are able to easily change the required settings,

Just click the tools tab and reconfigure the options or security tabs located in the browsers.
Another work around for a browser that is blocking your web site is to download and use a different browser.
For those that have MS Internet Explorer, simply download and use Firefox or vice versa.

For those people who are working on an individual computer with some special software used to block particular web site, you need to disable the software by any means. You can also delete the software or stop the software from loading the next time as you start up the computer or during shutdown; the software while it is running using the CTRL+ALT+DEL keys.
Use the IP Address Instead of URL

In general cases, it is possible to type in the IP address instead of using the URL. The URL is the written web address. But, even though we try to type in letters or words into our browser, the internet and World Wide Web translate these URLs into an IP address such as Sometimes the software or browser will not try to block an IP, but if your software is capable to map the IP address using a reverse DNS, you should look up at your site which will ultimately stay blocked.
Use URL Redirects

There are a some web sites that will offer URL redirects. For instance, you can also create a new URL for the blocked web sites with the help of redirect services. As you create a redirect, try to enter the new URL and have the service forward you to the blocked web site. In some situations these new URLs are redirected and can not change thus leads you to access banned sites. There are basically two types of redirection services which include and

Now for the Solution time:

Unblock a Web site using Google

Many types of tools or services are available at Google which offers a sort of help for you in order to access blocked web sites. If we go in a Practical sense, every computer provides you an access to Google search engine which makes the strategies quite pleasant and attractive.

Google Cache

Avoid going directly to the web site with the help of URL, visit the home page of Google search engine and try to search for the web site or web site page you need to access. As Google shows you the possible or the available sources which are indexed, try to select or retrieve the blocked web page using Google’s cache copy of the page. As these pages are copied into Google’s database, In maximum cases the site will not be able to get blocked.

Google Mobile Search

Google’s Mobile search can also make an attempt for a blocking a site. When Google tries to translates a simple HTML web page into a mobile page it tries to remove some parts of the web page such as CSS scripts and JavaScript’s and also it reconfigures the sites view in order to make a large page into a much smaller and reduced sized pages. Thus during such translation process, it may be possible that many blocked software programs are not able to recognize the page for being one that should be blocked by google.

Google Proxy

Google as a search engine is not specifically a proxy server or a proxy site, but this search engine can be used for much more than just searching the internet. When Google tries to translates a web site into a different language it acts as a go-between which is as similar to a proxy server. This code will help you to translate any web page into English which means you will be able to translate a web paged in English back to English language using Google as a proxy like tool. Just try to change the URL with the site that you are trying to gain access to.

