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Making your own commands

For creating your commands you need to follow some of the steps below:-
1) Start> Run > regedit.
2) Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ App Paths .
3) Go to the Edit menu> New> Key and name as Netexpo.exe

Double click on the value you have entered and go to Edit menuString Value and give the path name.
4) Double click on the value you have created and ebter the full path of the application that you wish to launch(eg C:\Programs Files\ Internet Explorer) and than click on OK.
5) Gain double-click on the value and enter the executable file name executable application full path(eg C:\Programs Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplorer).
6) Then click on OK and close the Regidtry Editor.

If you want to run Internet explorer Than goto: startRuntype Netexpo.exe.

